Swim - Start and finish point- at the Royal Beach. The swimming course will be counterclockwise, in a triangle path, bounded with buoys – 1,900 meters long. The course begins at the “Sport Club” hotel, goes along the Airport bypass road, continues to the northern Eilat bypass road to the Shachmon Square and then on to Route 12. The run course starts from T2 , Transition area in Netafim , downhill along road 12 on the right side towards the city of Eilat until reaching the Shachamon Circle.
Termin Challenge Israman
Aktueller Renntermin 2025
Qualifikation / Serie / Distanz
Auf der offiziellen Webseite des Rennveranstalters findest du umfassende Details rund um das Rennen.
Challenge Israman
Homepage: https://challenge-israman.com/
Der Austragungsort des Wettbewerbs ist an diesem spezifischen Standort zu finden.
EilatStaat: Israel
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