Der Spanier Roger Serrano die Ungarin Brigitta Poor holten sich die Titel in der Elitewertung bei der dritten Auflage des XTERRA Malta cross triathlon. Für Poor ist es der 4. Sieg in Folge, für Serrano Sieg in Malta.
Ergebnisse (english version)
The weather this morning was cloudy and we were expecting some rain but finally it was ideal for racing. The sea was a little choppy but it was nothing comparing to previous years’ conditions. The elites started 30-seconds ahead of the age groupers in order to have a clear swim and the sprint distance race began 10-minutes later.
Carina Wasle, motivated after her win at XTERRA Saipan a few weeks ago, was 4th and then one-minute later the young Italian Menditto and former European Tour champion Kathrin Mueller were climbing the stairs to transition together.
On the bike section Serrano increased his lead progressively, while Chane struggled with his hardtail bike and Wolpert had a flat tire that caused him to withdraw.
Carloni pushed a lot on the first loop and was able to pass Sasserath and Kubek.
In the women’s race on the bike Poor and Wasle passed Sasserath and Walters during the first 5km, but then Wasle flatted on the first downhill and Poor took the lead for good.
On the run no-one could touch Serrano who was managing his pace and enjoying the lead. Even on this pace he did the 3rd best run of the day finishing the race in first place more than three-minutes ahead of Sasserath.
Erbenova followed in second after more than three-minutes, saying “I felt empty on the run. My concern was not to catch Brigitta but just to keep at least the second place.”
Newcomer Nicole Walters managed to finish 3rd followed by Goldsteyn in 4th and Wasle in 5th.
All-Time XTERRA Malta Elite Champions
2017 - Roger Serrano / Brigitta Poor
2016 - Roger Serrano / Brigitta Poor
2015 - Nicolas Fernandez / Brigitta Poor
Bilder vom Rennen

On the run no-one could touch Serrano