Challenge Sandefjord, Norwegen

25. August 2024
Triathlon Serie: 

The single lap 1.9km swim is in the sheltered waters of Sandefjordsfjorden with the entire course visible from the breakwater, perfect for spectators.

The two lap bike course takes you out of the city and straight into one of the hot spots on the course. Dølabakken (The DØLA hill) will give you an energy boost with spectators and music, before you set into the Norwegian countryside landscape. This rolling course will give you landscapes, lakes and cheering spectators at the aid station at Kodal (where they have their own terrain triathlon named Gråtassen). From Kodal some fast stretches on your way over to Stokke. Just so you know, the first prime minister in Norway was from Stokke (Fredrik Stang 1808-1884). From Stokke you have 15km left on your way back to Sandefjord city. You will pass the historic “Gokstadhaugene” where one of the oldest Viking ships has been found in Norway. In this area you can run the risk of meeting crazy Norwegian Vikings before you speed up and head back to the city centre, and turn back for lap two, or head into T2.

The four-lap run course winds through the central city, passing famous monuments, along narrow streets with typical Scandinavian houses and before finishing in Badeparken by the famous Whalers’ Monument.

Triathlon Distanzen: