ITU World Triathlon

ITU World Triathlon Yokohama 2017 - Duffy siegt in Folge

Nach ihrem Debut in 2016 kommt Flora Duffy (BER) mit dem Sieg in Yokohama so richtig in Fahrt. Nachdem sie nun 2 Rennen der Saison in folge für sich entscheiden konnte, unterstrich sie in Yokohama ihre Stärke und ihren Willen, nach den nächsten Titel der Serie zu greifen.

ITU World Triathlon Yokohama 2017
Rang Athlet Nation Schwimmen Rad Laufen Gesamt
1 Flora Duffy BER 00:19:07 01:01:18 00:34:25 01:56:18
2 Katie Zaferes USA 00:19:40 01:01:53 00:35:13 01:58:09
3 Kirsten Kasper USA 00:19:16 01:02:23 00:35:15 01:58:17
4 Sophie Coldwell GBR 00:19:06 01:01:22 00:37:03 01:58:48
5 Vicky Holland GBR 00:19:28 01:02:10 00:35:48 01:58:50
6 Ashleigh Gentle AUS 00:20:34 01:02:55 00:34:03 01:58:57
7 Non Stanford GBR 00:19:14 01:04:19 00:34:09 01:59:04
8 Jessica Learmonth GBR 00:19:01 01:02:38 00:36:14 01:59:18
9 Claire Michel BEL 00:20:11 01:03:28 00:34:27 01:59:26
10 Natalie Van AUS 00:19:09 01:02:30 00:36:25 01:59:32

“I didn’t know what I would have in the tank for today, I was pretty nervous coming into the race today, I felt like a WTS first-timer, but I had to keep reminding myself that I am the World Champ and I need to ride with confidence. So the race worked out great to my strengths and I am super happy,” said Duffy. 

Rain made the race day a little more challenging for all the women out on the course, but it was Duffy who used it to her advantage to get her first gold of the year. 

“The rain is intimidating for everybody, but everyone including my fiancé Dan kept telling me ‘No Flora! This is going to be your strength, be confidence and ride like you always do and you’ll be fine’. I had low pressure on my tires and I felt super comfortable out there, so it worked.”


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Triathlon News vom: 14. May 2017
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