Ironman 70.3 - Valdivia, Chile Immerse yourself in the crystal clear waters of the Calle-Calle River, challenge your limits on a panoramic and fast bicycle tour, race through beautiful natural landscapes in the city center and its beautiful bridges. 2024-11-17T00:00:00 2024-11-17T00:00:00 EventScheduled OfflineEventAttendanceMode

Immerse yourself in the crystal clear waters of the Calle-Calle River, challenge your limits on a panoramic and fast bicycle tour, race through beautiful natural landscapes in the city center and its beautiful bridges. Join athletes from around the world and experience the adrenaline of triathlon in this stunning southern setting of great German heritage.

Termin Ironman 70.3 - Valdivia, Chile

Aktueller Renntermin 2024

17. November 2024

Qualifikation / Serie / Distanz

Triathlon Serie

Die Veranstaltung Ironman 70.3 - Valdivia, Chile ist ein integraler Bestandteil der Rennserie(n)
Ironman 70.3

Distanz / Format

Die Triathlon Veranstaltung Ironman 70.3 - Valdivia, Chile wird über folgende Distanzen ausgetragen:




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Ironman 70.3 - Valdivia, Chile


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Staat: Chile

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